Butch Mermaid Productions


Founded by Ania Upstill in 2019.

Our mission is to make queer joy irresistible and contagious, envisioning a world where all queer people experience joy and belonging. In our work we value collaborating with diverse queer* creatives; embracing curiosity; working across theatrical forms and media; paying queer* people; and creating learning opportunities for audiences.

* we use 'queer' as a catch-all term for the LGBTQIA2S+ community

Antonio on Tour!

December 8th

Pre-show by Pearly

Concert Starts

Butch Mermaid Productions has been working to bring together a new, hotter-than-ever version of Antonio! . Come join us for one white-hot night concert of queer, punk, pirate rock!

This concert staging of Antonio! is hosted by Bedlam Theater as part of their Do More series. Opening for Antonio! is the band Pearly.

We’ve done a lot.
Check out our work!